“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” - Albert Einstein -
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    "..not backing down.. not giving in.. at the end I’ll be the last man standing.."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    "...hvorfor det..?!?.."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    "..en helt ny verden der ute et sted.."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    "..tell me why I don't like monday's... I want to shoot the whole day down.."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
  • 6
    "..leaving doesn't mean there's nothing more.."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    "Leucanthemum vulgare"
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    "In his eyes I see a gentle glow..."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
  • 2
    "..en del av mitt hjärta kommer alltid slå för dig.."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    "... it's written in her eyes, streamin' down her face..."
    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
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    Ida Chanté Valkoinen
Åpne uskalert versjon i eget vindu