Fant ikke flere bilder i dette utvalget!
På veien i Oslo...
Jeg klarte ikke a finne ut hvem som skapte denne statue. Jeg syns den er utrolig morsom.
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  • Lagt inn: 2012-02-09 09:13:25
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Kritikker (27)
Kirsten H.

I alle det så mye vann i gatene hos deg? Jeg har to barnebarn i den byen, må visst sørge for svømmekurs snarest!
Godt sett, Carsten!
mvh Kirsten
Carsten W.

Ingen grunn for bekymmring, Kirsten. Veiene er i det minste tørr. Ikke helt "safe", men det har Solvår dokumentert allerede.
Nei, jeg tror dama valgte denne måte å komme seg i butikken pga...vel, se på versjonen. Jeg håper, jeg finner bildet...;))
Liv F. D.

Supert sett og fanget til brikken. Morsomt at bronsemannen har kastet seg på styltene. Et noe uvanlig syn om dagen :) Håper han kommer seg "tørrskodd" over her da.

Ha en fin foto-dag!

Liv ")
Liv F. D.

Supert sett og fanget til brikken. Morsomt at bronsemannen har kastet seg på styltene. Et noe uvanlig syn om dagen :) Håper han kommer seg "tørrskodd" over her da.

Ha en fin foto-dag!

Liv ")
Solvår B.

En grei måte å komme seg tørrskodd fram på. At jeg ikke har tenkt på det før. Her har vi hatt regn siden mai, og så kom is og snø. Jeg gikk på stylter som barn. Må begynne å øve igjen.
Herlig bilde.
: ) Solvår
Roar K.

Når det gjelder originalen så må det vel værra vannveien for ikke å si vannvogna for de sterkere sidene finnes jo overalt rent stakkar'n i kanalen.
I V2 er det vel rushtid i Stortingsgata eller så står trikken igjen og sperrer all trafikk for da blir'e sånn hvilket jeg jo har 25 års erfaring med.

Harald N.

Godt sett, det at isen ikkje ligg heilt inntil styltra, gje liv og bevegelse i bilete.
Mvh Harald
Avsluttet .

Stylte Jenny har rømt fra pleiehjemmet igjen.
Naken som vanlig, og uten pigger under styltene.
Hun burde tatt en av de røde bussene.
Vår utsendte urbane vandringsmann, Carsten, slår til igjen i sin inbitte kjærlighet til tigerstaden.
Uansett årstid og temperatur.
Fellestrekk mellom alternativene i dagens billedmeny: ingen kommer av flekken.
Godt sett og morsomt formidlet.
Avsluttet .

Morsomt bilde og godt sett Carsten.. bra fangst på brikka!
Hilsen Tove
Duy P.

Stilig må jeg si.
Her hjelper det ikke med ekstra bein heller.
Alt er frosset fast. Tryggest på stylter, men kreves vel balanse kunnskap.
Morsomt og godt sett.

:) duy
Kirsten H.

Takk, Carsten. Snøfri gate og busser som er i rute, det liker jeg.
mvh Kirsten
Georg K.

A lot of very enthusiastic and positive feedback for a photo which is in my humble opinion far below the quality of images you normally present here.
Am I the only one wondering about sharpness here ? ( in both images ).
The subject in the main image is a helt ordinær tourist A 4 view of a sculpture at Akerbrygge - opposite to most of the time now standing in almost frozen water.
Thats fine, and not every image needs to look for the never-seen-before approach - but here is really nothing to go for.
The crop is not flattering, the perspective seems to be the very first one, the sharpness far from what should be possible with enough light on hand - and the overexposed white spots at the upper right side do not help much either.
To me, thats much more an image taken to document for friends - see what I saw today !.
But presented at it means that you are presenting it for feedback - and not only to friends, but also to people who are mainly occupied with the element " photography " - and saying with positive words - long below what you know, since shown, an interesting or good photo needs.
Carsten W.

Hi, Georg!
Thank for your feedback. I agree with your opinion of the quality of the pictures.
Well, that`s why I presentet them in the humor-category.
This is where you can put some "See, what I saw! It`s not nice but funny."-pictures.

Maybe you need to understand that the social aspect on is as important as the the phography aspect, especially in the gallery.
Very often I take my breakfast while enjoying the pictures of the others. Some are impressive, some are interessting, some are funny.
So my only intention in presenting those pictures today was to make some others smile. Why not?

I think we shouldn`t take photography too serious every day. Going out with a compact in your pocket and just looking for a shot could be fun as well;)

Have a nice day!

PS: There`s one thing I didn`t agree with. If you know where that statue stands, go for it and try to find a better angle. Lykke til!)
I would love to find your solution one morning.

Avsluttet .

Hi Georg.

It was interesting reading your reflected remarks, well argued for.
However, doesn't the individual viewers triggered emotions, and free association also add value to a picture?

Watching a picture may be an inner and personal experience that may vary considerably from person to person.
None of these experiences are inferior to the other.
I think we have to bear this in mind when evaluating our peers photographs.
There is no truth.
The lack of mere technical sharpness, does not always necessarily means lack of sharpness as such, sometimes quite the contrary.
The lack of sharpness sometimes makes things pretty clear and obvious, at least to me.
It produces ambivalence and contradictions, and as such brings clarity into life itself.

Lars Ivarson F.

Every man in his humour is a famous shakespearian remark and so it seems even least in the original..with compliments
Elisabeth M.

Artig bilde fra Oslo, hvor det ser ut som skøyter hadde vært bedre skotøy enn stylter:)
Godt sett!
Georg K.

Ketil ? no need to argue with any of what you are saying, but we probably also know both very good that it is in the end a different discussion which could be picked up; if interest and engergy would be high enough.

You said as many other people with interest in fks. photography ? there are no rules and no truth with the exception of the one we are all aware about.
And it is not about the truth or rules, it is not about if an image is sharp , correctly exposed, optimal composed or so heavy in it?s expression that it is able to explain the large subjects in life all in one image.

Personally I would dare to question the necessity, or quality of ?social? contacts at as primary motivation of action. I would also question, if it really can be in the interest of participating members, not to declare the interest in visual communication, in art, in photography in technical, documentary, artistic aspects as the primary motivation of active, and therefore also indirect social, participation.

I am sure you know as good as me, most likely even better, all about the fascinating aspects around visual communication.
The fantastic fact that with the help of a good image we can transfer a huge amount of information, we can trigger all kind of emotions, awake a whole universe of memories etc.
We can really connect with peoples emotional response.
people can be deeply sad when looking at images of agony, illness an sadness, we can magically bring light and summer back, we can trigger the memory of love and lust - we can be moralic and seductive - a good photo can work like a magic key to all kind of inner chambers.
But it is maybe in many ways similar to what you do with your comments ? you are using language to describe often many different reflections you can phrase by looking at an image. In that way you are creating an open ? and positive frame of a comment, you are displaying in your words the potential an image has. You are using the power of your words, the exceptional wide spectrum of your tools of expression [ words ] to bring something hidden in these images to the foreground ? create communication.
( not that I often enough disagree with you )

One can be lucky and hit a string of common knowledge with an image ? and one can try to express something through an image, as you do with words.
If you don?t want to trust your luck, you need to strive, work for the result. You need to sharpen your tools, know about their power and learn about their taste in a composition with other tools.
And to support that process, to assist such a process of getting more sharp, more precise, enlarge the spectrum of tools on hand in order to use your photography to tell others in general ? or social contacts at in particular something of interest ? that is to me a process, feedback on can help start ? and keep going on.

For most of us, photography is just a hobby, for many a hobby which offers a good deal of satisfaction ? and the chance to interact with other because of something we have created feels often enough as something very satisfying. Positive.
But we do not need a new image all the time in order to be able to enjoy this common interest.
Maybe sometimes it is as pleasing to look a bit more accurate into the image of someone else ?
Is it not surprising that within the comments to this particular image, the sculpture is sometimes of female, sometimes of male nature ?
I think we agree that whenever we offer feedback, we shall try to be constructive in our words, offer our feedback towards the person- and/or photo ? but related to what we see an dhow we reflect it.
Eirik B.

Statuen kunne i alle fall hete "Hot legs"?

Artig bilde!

Georg K.

And since we were just touching on some of the same points - a small part of Per Heimly's words, saying something about his latest exhibition in Galleri A - not really sure if I want to sign each of these words though.....
"?Hvordan kommunisere ? det er det viktige. Man kommuniserer gjennom åpenbare sannheter. Figurative bilder er mer slagkraftige enn abstrakte, de appellerer sterkere til folk fordi de er mer menneskelige.

Alle har sin smak, sier man - det er bare tull!
Det finnes et målbegrep på kunst; tyngde. Hvor tungt bildet duver i vannflaten. Hva innebærer det at et bilde har tyngde? Jeg har tenkt, og kommet frem til, at det er noe så patetisk som liv og død. Det er de eneste sannhetene vi har.?"
Georg K.

Carsten - sorry, I didn't see that you posted this under Humor - I shall take this in future into consideration.
Avsluttet .

Hi Georg.
Allthough this is on Carstens's page, I just want to take the opportunity to state that I am somewhat agreeing with you.
Probably to a large extent.
You have introduced a stimulating discussion of major interest, which I feel many of us could benefit from.
Perhaps we will have the chance continuing the sharing of thoughts in another forum some day, if time permits.
You made me think, and I enjoyed that.
Bjarte W.

Artig bilde av personen som streber etter å komme tørskodd til land.

- Bjarte
Carsten W.

Hi Georg!

There`s no problem. I apprechiate your comment as a constructive critic which tried to help me

Ain`t I`m right? We can`t try hard every day. Performing on is a possibilaty to do what you want. You can present serious photography and hope for feedback or having a chat or just watching or commenting. That`s all. It`s great.

But I`m not finished with that statue. I like your request of quality because this is what delights me most while watching the pictures of the others: a really impressive picture.

Do me a favour and go for that statue if you have an opportunity. Try to find a better angle than mine. You will be surprised...
...or I will.
In that case I would be thankfull because I learned something.

Ha en fin dag og la høre fra deg

Svein Johan L.

Speilingen i vannpytten ble bra. Hele komposisjonen er morsom og det er godt fanget.
vera f.

Ja så kommer pirken, hadde vært fint hvis styltene ikke var borte på toppen, plus å ta vekk den siste lille blåe dingsen øverst til venstre.

Ellers et veldig morsomt bilde :o)

Carsten W.

Hei Vera!
Ikke enig om "siste dingsen"...:)
Lars-Anders M.

Der isen varken bar eller brast.
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