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It will get you
Noril'sk, northern Siberia. Pillars are needed to erect stable buildings Sometimes, for some reason, they stop construction. Here, these are the pillars left and a bit damaged. It was the last time I used this sigma lens (or any sigma) because it broke in two after a small drop.
  • d70s
  • 18-200 sigma
  • Brennvidde18mm
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriAkt
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger546
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (3)
Joachim Sem C.

Nice composition and exposure, not sure about the colours though, although it gives a certain apocalyptic feel to it.
Joachim R.

nice one! love the colors. nice angle.
Joachim A.


Really great personification of the figure to the right. You can feel the stretch of the ''arms''.

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