The Chinese Border
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Kritikker (2)
Kristian S.

Hehe... Kul komposisjon. Kunne kanskje hatt litt mer liv og en blå himmel, men det er ikke alltid ting klaffer slik.

Michael Z.

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a blue sky in Liverpool, its usually masked by the pollution!

At the moment, with a little side project, i'm looking at cultural segregation, countries like the UK have very condense and localised cultural areas, Liverpool has an extrememly large Chinese population. I was looking how these areas are designed in the stereotypical aspects of the culture. Things like telephone boxes, rubbish bins etc are all 'chinese style'

The sign is like an indication of the border, where east meets west, and the real Liverpool meets a synthetic China. I have always found this part of Liverpool familiar, being of Chinese background myself and living in Liverpool my whole life.
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