Har ser dere en John Deere 6920s i aksjon, med en JF 3500 finsnittervogn på slep
Bildet inngår i albumet Motor og kjøretøy -
  • Kodak DX6940
  • 38-380mm
  • Brennvidde6mm
  • Blenderf/2.8
  • Lukker1/750s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
Annen info
  • KategoriBil/motor/Kjøretøy
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger627
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (2)
Jonas N.

Hallo der ute....er det ingen som har noen komentar til bildet mitt eller????? Det er bare å legge igjen en komentar, kritikk som ros, alt tas mot med glede;)

Georg K.

Jonas - there might different reason's for little to no response - one of them is for sure that the whole thing is functioning like most other communication - and that's for sure not a one way traffic.
Meaning - if you would like others to comment your images - share the love and do the same.
Try it - and you will see - people will come back - curious what you are doing, how are doing things - will tell you what could be done better - or simply tell you what they like.

As far as your profile shows - you have left 4 comments under other postings - and received about 10 times as much - think about it.

Your image shows a subject only a limited number of people do know something about - so, you should have a fair chance to create some interest for your subject - but you would need to communicate it more precise.

The image does not really show anything to relate to ( is it yours, is it strong, the biggest, the newest - have you been driving, using it etc. )

It is an interesting angle; the image does get a sense of dynamic in this way. You have strong colors - I assume they are pushed in post-process, and I think they are pushed too far - they relation to each other is disturbed ( when the grass is too green, also the green of the machine seems odd ).
There are some strange holes in the yellow - and the sky is missing in this composition - because the angle of the image relates to a view upwards - so you create an expectation by choosing the angle, which you do not deliver.

The dark areas are not defined enough to deliver the details this shot should have in my view.

I do like tractors - always did - and I believe I can see something of your intention - but I think you should work more with the subject - and communicate more about your thoughts - to invite people to share, comment and critic.
Try it - you will see - it might work better.
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