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Dennis #27
Bildet inngår i albumet Dennis -
  • Rolleiflex 2.8C
  • 80mm
  • Blender-
  • Nei
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Kritikker (5)
Knut-Inge J.
Der var Rollei'en i sving :-) Du veit jo korleis dette fungerer - det lave kamerastandpunktet framhever ytterlegare "I,m standing tall!", med blikk og kroppsholdning. Den lave, smale lysstripa er eit funn.... Stolpen og ledningen bak kunne godt ha befunne seg ein annan stad, men slik er det.... Eit gutteportrett som treff ein annan gutte-far mitt i hjarterøttene :-)
Kjetil H.
Jeg liker utnyttelsen av ettermiddagslyset som faller på ansiktet hans og brettet, samt spillet på og rundt kroppen hans. Bildet er kjennetegnet av solid fotografisk håndverk. Det er synlige korn i fullversjonen som passer til motivet og bildets innhold. Her går message og medium hånd i hånd.

Men det ser litt oppstyltet ut, jeg kjenner igjen bilder jeg finner av meg selv i gamle album, når jeg ble bedt om å stå her eller der og se sånn eller slik ut og ikke var det minste fornøyd. Og kan han skate med sandaler?
Georg K.

To start with – an image I like.

Image – enjoyable “composition” with some classics in use of lines, placement f the main subject and “talking” surrounding.
Annoying brilliant sharpness on the ground, pavement and his trousers fks.
Great range of tones, and as far as I can tell, very well exposed ( see the part with most light, his neck fks. ) and a smart – or lucky placement of the light catching board next to him standing.

High – I like the fact hat it is a “skater” image breaking all common understanding of what images of this kind normally reflect on ( lifestyle, speed, jumps, fashion ).
I have some immediate sympathy for he guy pictured, the fact that he is wearing a helmet and sandals – together with stylish pants and shirt.
The fact that he is pictured in “his street”, more of a save environment than rough, cool urban surroundings.
It is to me a portrait of a person I would describe as introverted, and maybe even a bit uncertain about the fact if the image will really show something what is in accordance to his self-view.
The charm of the environment is to me part o the image ( always have been a fan of poles and overhead wires ), the fence and trees are important to build the contrast towards our normal expectation of skater.

I don’t think that it was really the intention to create the anti-skater image, and it might even be a surprise to see so much weigh on this point, but it is the point from where the image gains power – the power to create a portrait with personality.

To me a good portrait with enjoyable photographic solutions, a high sympathy value and done in respect of the person pictured.

Amund Blix A.
Takker så mye for kommentarene!
Ja oppstyltet er det såvisst, men personlig synes jeg det er helt greit. Som far til denne krabaten er jeg også høyst subjektiv. :-)

Og til Georg, for en flott kommentar!

Bildet ble forøvrig til sånn: Jeg så tilfeldigvis han sto i det fine lyset,så jeg fikk ropt:"stå stille" fiklet frem Rolleiflexen og fyrte løs èn eksponering.
De bildene jeg planlegger ender som regel i total meningsløshet :-)
Georg K.
I wonder if don't need to consider a support-group for all the kids of creative parents here :)
Don't take it personal - I was thinking about him, Dag's kids after swimming, Knut Inge kids when drawing, Svends kids during vacation etc.
I almost can see this scene - him enjoying the time without homework etc. - sun is shining - and his father tells him - don't move, I need to fetch the camera, do a image - and you are a free man again :))

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