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Kritikker (2)
Jonas L.

Liker ideen. Synes lyset her blir for hardt og ikke helt får frem den rette (kvelds)stemningen. Mykere lys, og kanskje litt flott tåke over vannet hadde gitt en helt annen stemning i bildet, etter min mening bedre.

mvh JL
Georg K.

I like the image for it's natural approach - and it has certainly some sympathic elements like the light, the impression of peaceful calmness ( which is good for the images nature since it directs the nudes expression ).
Aiming for purity would have meant to remove the towel before taking the image - the most disturbing - but maybe even best possible attempt, is directed to the background, view etc.
The background is not without charm, it is setting-explaining - but too dominates, too strong in my view.
I would have preferred a lighter view, more undefined enhancement like sky, water - or more blurred surrounding.
The face is too dark, or cpl. hidden in the shadow - that's ok since obviously not posed, but taken with the aim to capture the harmony of the moment - but I guess it is agreeable to wish at least for a better integration of the pictured person by allowing her face being part of the image.
I think mood and handling of the situation do deserve respect - details - and here also a more photographic eye would have boosted the potential of this image.
Still nice - since looking for the totality of the situation, instead of concentrating on the sensational impact of nudity only.
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