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Kritikker (5)
Birna R.

Flott teknisk gjengivelse av øyenstikkeren. Bakgrunnen er flat og livløs og trekker helhetsinntrykket ned. Ser ut som et studio-opptak.
Jostein S.

Utrolig stilig
Fantastisk flott utført
stephen j.

Sorry to inform you Bjørn was taken in spain and the background is sand and ofcoures out of focus.
Birna R.

Well, I keep my comment regarding the flatness and dullness of the background as this really detracts from an otherwise technically excellent photograph. Making it look a little artifical and clinically clean thus emulating a studio shot.

Since this image is obtained in a natural habitat evidently, I assume it was early morning so the insect was little mobile at the time?
stephen j.

Yes it was in the morning, quite right Bjørn.
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