Coot feeding young
I got this one at the Wetland centre in the suburbs of London - the area was originally a water reservour that had become derelict and so the WWT took it over and made it into a reserve for birds
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Kritikker (7)
Grethe B.

Nice shot but i feel the picture is ti bright, to little contrast. A bit levels and hue in Photoshop would help...

have a nice day

Eli B.

Nice and beautiful, good shot, I think. I agree with Grethe, perhaps a little more contrast or unsharp mask. Very nice picture.

mvh Eli
Inger-Lise S.

Nice shot,a good situation.I agree about the contrast.

Regards Inger-Lise
Avsluttet .

Jepp, nice picture but the head on the motherbird is to dark.

Regards Laila
Stig B.

Nice situation.

This bird is very difficult to expose correctly. I have trouble with its black body and its white mouth (??).

Maybe some more usm and contrast will benefit the picture.

Tor Andre J.

Nice picture!

Ketil K.

Hello Wes
Here you have tried a really difficult object - the coot in direct and opposite sunlight - probably about the most difficult challenge to expose that you can find! The white/pinkish bill is completely burned out in upper parts and the plumage/eye of the adult bird has low or lacking detaliing in darker parts.

My suggestions are:
1) Take your coot pictures on a clouded - or partially clouded day. Then you don't get this harsh lighting. In the evening, you get additional colours from the light and sky too, which can improve the interst in the picture too.
2) Get the sun behind you.
3) Work with the exposure settings. Evt. reduce the EV on your camera to -0,7 or to - 1,0 in direct sun.
4) Since the adult bird is so highly contrasted (B&W) there is nearly unevitable to have to performing some afterwork in PS or with other picture software. If you underexpose your capture - which I recommend - (it's possible to lighten darker aeras but impossible to get details in burned-out aeras) - you only need to do some layer-masking procedures to lighten up the darker parts to obtain a good result.

The best in this picture are crop, composition and the pose of the male and juvenile, including the shadow reflections. The motive as such is otherwise not very uncommon on this sight.

There is another possiblity: Work with the objects: Increase the contrast further, reveale this as a really b&w highly contrasted picture - only silhouettes shown.

Good luck - hope you take these advices as a trial of positive and constructive communication.....

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