Here are some of the many roses now flowering nicely in Kew botanical gardens London - got this shot a few days ago.It's just a pity you cannot photograph the scent also!
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Kritikker (7)
Janne L.

You always make me want to go to the botanical gardens, that you visit. Beautifull roses. Beautifull picture.
Anette G.

A picture that makes me happy. I like the coulours as well as the amount of roses in one picture :-) Beautiful
Fred S.

Hi: Nice, but the whole thing seems a bit cluttered in my eyes, with the roses so close together and haphazardly organised. Think I would have concentrated on the ones at the very front of the picture.
However, I can understand that you want to share as much of Kew Gardens as possible with us. Have never been there, my only point of reference is a short story by Viginia Wolf that I ''had to'' read once, but I`ve been told it is a fabulous place to visit.

regards, fred
Fred S.

...spelling error: ViRginia....

Inger-Lise S.

Beautiful picture.Different.We see enough of pictures where the flower are very close.I like this:)

Regards Inger-Lise
Brita Helen E.

Nice picture... Beatuiful roses... :)

Mvh Brita...
Bergliot E.

Flott rosebusk dette her. Fantastiske farger og flott lys. Kanskje et tettere utsnitt ville bidratt til mere spenst i motivet.
Ser de andre skriver engelsk til deg. Håper du kan norsk, iallefall litt, for jeg er ikke god med den engelsken:)

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