Colourful cow - I got this one in Luxembourg a couple of years ago -hope you like it.Kind regards Wes
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Kritikker (11)
Eli B.

Kult! Flotte farger!
mvh Eli
Inga Helene J.

Is this the Luxembourg equivalent of Belgian Blue? :-D

Colourful photo of a nice piece of art.

May-Lise L.

I like it a lot, Wes! Wish we had colorful cows like this one here in Vartdal :)
Wigdis W.

'No milk today'' I guess... Funny picture!
Thor Arne U.

Nice and colorful picture !

Thor Arne
Avsluttet .

My english isn`t good enough.. Nice picture and colors!

Avsluttet .


Nice taken, but i didn't like the ''cow!''

Too many colours.

I didn't expect that this cow was taken in Luxembourg! It's more Asia style, Buddhist thing.

Stian Hustad Håpnes
Bergliot E.

Takk for kommentaren på bildet mitt. Hyggelig!!

Morsomt og fargerikt bilde. Fin komp og skarphet. Burde kanskje skrive på engelsk, men jeg er ikke god i det språket.

Wes D.

Thanksyou for your comments.
This was one of a series of colourful cows in Luxemboug on this occasion.They even had a film crew from Iceland going round asking locals what they thought of the displays
Kind regards Wes
Åsa K.

I like the cow, is it from India?

Sincerely Åsa
Mariann S.

I really like this cow !!¨
Moooo :-)

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