Tango på Snøhetta
Vi danset argentinsk tango på helikopterlandingsplattformen på Snøhetta sommeren 2003. Ghettoblasteren til venstre spillte gjennom tåke og sterk vind, så dansinga var en relativt kald fornøyelse.
  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2004-03-21 14:22:47
    Versjon #2
  • Nikon E880
  • -
  • Brennvidde16mm
  • Blenderf/10
  • Lukker1/64s
  • Nei
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  • Visninger251
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Kritikker (4)
Espen G.

dette var spennende... får litt spøkelses feeling her med de to som danser på brygga. men jeg tror jeg ville laget en versjon hvor jeg klippet bort brygga i forgrunnen. da tror jeg det hadde blitt enda mer mystisk.

Vegard H B.

Tusen takk for kommentar, Espen!
Georg K.

I consider this image as an incredible romantic - and moving photo - not so much because of the easy associations coming together with dancing in the fog - more because you have been able to melt together so very different elements in one - widely harmonic imagination.
Ghetto blaster and Tango doesn’t represent the closest link - while there isn't any problem with these two as a pair either.
That's pretty much the basic construction of the whole image to my mind.
One problem with the result is that the dancing couple is very well integrated into the picture - maybe too much, since the sensation of dancing - or even dancing Tango isn't getting clear by the setting here.
Following the idea that the strength of an image should be possible to read directly from the visible elements, and not be enhanced by title or text coming along - you would miss out the word, imagination Tango.
Saying this, I believe one potential improvement is connected to a more expressive, talking pose - not saying that I can't see the charm of the one pictured - just in context with the above mentioned theory.
I like your first version better - it offers more space - more introduction to the scene - and the diagonal line of the bridge towards the small platform is too nice to cut out in anyway.
To me - a great idea - very well made and absolute convincing - just a wonderful shot, and not only plain, sweet romantic at all.
Atle A.

Hm... Dette er bra! Bildet snakker til meg i den grad at det nesten blir irrelevant å kommentere at bildet er perfekt komponert og eksponert.

Dette er en hel liten roman, ubesværet presset inn i et bilde. Dette kan jeg se på leeenge, og fantasere...
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