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Kritikker (2)
Georg K.

Personally I do like such images - and the theme of resting bikes has been proven to be rather successful already many times.
the small highlights in your image - the "nostalgic" frontlight, the strong, clear red against the white and grey - this all works fine and keeps the relative small view interesting.The image is dynamic enough - the only think I feel is not that optimal is the corner of the building - and the snow-shovel leaning there.
Fair enough as it was as it shows, and credit for you trying to work from what you see - instead of arranging it - but exactly at that spot the image looses in my view the clarity and simplicity in it's structure - which was again the reason for me to open the thumb.
Magnus Greger L.

Not sure wether to reply in Norwegian or English, but ill give it a go in English.
First of all I would like to thank you for your reply. I do agree with you that the corner of the wall and the shovel are distracting elements. But it wasnt an option to remove them. When I shot the picture I didn't even consider removing anything, it was first when i came home and sat down i realized how visible the shovel was.
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