En vårdag i Paris
  • -
  • Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM
  • Brennvidde29mm
  • Blenderf/10
  • Lukker1/200s
  • Nei
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  • KategoriReise
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger65
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Kritikker (4)
Magnus H.

Flott bilde! liker himmelen og kontrasten veldig godt :) Hva bruker du i post? SilverEfex?
Anders K.

Redigert i photoshop elements ?
Georg K.

It is an attractive image to my mind. Enjoy the idea with the very, very light ground, with the sharp shadow as consequence of it - and the blue ( ergo now dark ) sky - this adds some impression of a typical day in summer. Enough details in the shadow areas ( trees ) adding a sense and understanding of depth, inviting to a second round of looking around. Many attractive details within the image offer enough to the eye to stay busy.
The parts I find a touch more problematic are the partly extreme contrasts - they seemed to be pushed. Even though they are part of this overwhelming summer-light impression, they I experience them as partly disturbing when looking at the photo. And the sort of most disappointing factor is to my mind the unlucky composition with the centre woman with child directly below the main building. This leaves the image with vertical use of 80 % pretty much exactly in the centre of the image - which as a result is requesting too much focus on a too small area.
But all these are nothing else then opinions - not changing the fact that I actually really like the photo.
Tore Bernhard L.

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