Agent 69
  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2009-07-12 01:47:50
    Versjon #2
  • Canon 5D Mark II
  • Canon EF 24-105 L f/4.0
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriMennesker
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger745
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Dag T.
Næhhh, fikk ikke så mye ut av dette. Selv om du kanskje har hatt en hensikt med gråheten, lyset og fargetonen får jeg det ikke til å stemme. Det blir utbrent i de lyseste partiene, og grått i de mørke. Utstyret og måten hun står på virker mer påtatt enn tøfft. Jeg tror mørkere tone og et mer direkte blikk kunne hjulpet noe, men jeg er ikke sikker...
Kristin O.
Tusen takk for tilbakemelding. Utgangspunktet for bildet var teknisk sett helt mislykket. Det ble alt for lyst og nesten helt utbrent, så jeg har dratt hardt i spakene for å få henne frem. Jeg synes hun likner litt på en rå tegneseriefigur etter korrigering. Jeg kan prøve å lage en versjon i gråtoner, men siden det ikke appellerer så er det kanskje liten vits i å fikle for mye med det.
Georg K.
The whole setting, motif is sort of playing with the subject of fetish-photography.
While I must admit that I never quite understood this particular direction of fantasy, I think it should be recognized as such, and is therefore present as idea when looking at this photography.
And when I tried to isolate the more important parts of such an imagination, then I assume that most of it melts down to the picture of a sexual provocative posing woman, wrapped into an outfit, setting implying the rather opposite - strength, respect, authority until the taste of brutality.
The props are welknown - but to my mind too obvious as props here, too unmotivated hold.
The touch of transparency in the dress is to my taste too much, as I find the multiple reflections in her shades and the cap a touch disturbing.
But the main flaw comes from the thin, thin right arm ( thin due to the overexposure ), and the, what I believe are, compression marks on her upper legs.
You said that the image doesn't get better in grey-tones, but this sepia-type version does not really support the idea ( as I see it ) of this image either.

I'm not really trying to say that it doesn't work as an idea - but I believe that there are too many compromises in this image to make it really stand out as something what I would consider an interesting variation of the subject - and it's usual presentations.
Kristin O.
Thank you so much Georg, for your in-depth feedback, comprising of all the elements from the fetish genre, to the posture of the model and the technical flaws of my photo. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain so thoroughly why it didn't work for you.
Rune Edvin H.
Synes de litt ulne tonene kler bildet. Er enig med Dag i at et mer direkte blikk kunne gjort seg. Ellers så tror jeg at det kunne gjort seg med litt mindre plass på venstre side i forhold til hennes positur.
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