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  • Canon EOS 20D
  • Canon EF 80-200/2,8L
  • Brennvidde200mm
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  • Lukker1/10s
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Georg K.
some time ago...but since there isn't any comment yet a few words.
This photo has obviously not really triggered the right amount of interest - maybe because it is too ''small'' to really express anything what one could relate too.
Regardless this impression, I could see this image easily as part of a book/booklet/cover etc. connected to the person - who is apparently a musician.
Even though this particular image doesn't really ''tell'' this ( that he is a musician ) - it could in the right set of images - or words be an attractive illustration for something what would eventually be translated with '' dedication, devotion, concentration, passion '' etc.
An unusual vantage point, an close to covered face adds a small touch of ''mystic '' to it.
As said - I think the image can absolute work - when see in connection - as as solitude image
it is not expressive enough.
One might consider this as a weakness - or a flaw - but to my mind there are good reasons to leave from time to time the line of a general introduction in a portrait - and jump into something what could be described as an intimate view - possible to reflect an an own interpretation.
The unlucky points from a technical point of view are probably too much light on the nose, and muddy tones on the face - which doesn't prove the idea of this image wrong.
Roy Sigurd K.
I'll answer in English since I don't know if you know Norwegian.

Thank you for the comment. This picture is one of a few thousand concert photos I've taken the latest years. It somehow represents my way of visualising the artist at such events. The face close up and nothing else matters. Some like it, some don't. You're quite right about the nose and so on - I'll remember that.

Again - thanks

Georg K.
I read Norsk - but it's faster in English to be honest.

Anyhow - thinking about it, I find this an fascinating approach to concentrate absolute on close-ups of performing artists.
Interesting enough, it also breaks a bit with our normal perception, in which first of all someone has a name - and connected with the name you have all the cliches around the person. ( and cliches translate into images )
While with your approach you pretty much skip most of this - and focus really on the essence of the person performing.
And - it hasn't been really that clear - it is also the reason why I find this image interesting.
I was probably too focussed on the question why this picture didn't trigger any response - and was therefore ending up with the idea that as it is presented here - it is hard to access.

It is not my position to advise you at all - but I personally would like to see more of such portraits posted here - since I believe that it is stimulating for many, interested in the art of portraying people.

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