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Liker lyset. Litt for kornete i mørke partier (1600 ASA)
  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2006-09-30 19:16:53
    Versjon #2
  • Canon EOS 350D
  • -
  • Brennvidde55mm
  • Blenderf/5.6
  • Lukker1/200s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriMennesker
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger426
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (2)
Morris G.


Nice angle but shadow over the face is the problem. You can increase the exposure by +2/3 to +1 stop which will bring the lightened area closer to burn out. The best solution would be either diffused flash at -1,5 stops or use a white/gold reflector to bounce more light into the face.

This would also give more detail in the eyes and bring the portrait to life.

Less sulk in the model would also be better and the lighter out of focus patch behind her head is unfortunate. If your interested in so tips contact me.

Morris Gallimore (see contact details in foto.no). Keep taking pictures :-)
Anna v.

Thank you for good advices!
Yes, I think I would have tried to lighten up her face with a reflector if I had been aware about the problem when I took the picture. The situation was not arranged by me, it just suddenly was there. I think it stressed me a bit to get a picture without disturbing her to much.
The light out of focus area behind her head had another and more distinct caracter in the original which showed more of the wall behind her. I don't saw the change before you mentioned it.
I don't agree about the sulk in the model. From my point of view she expresses a mood (introvert and thoughtfull) among thousands of other moods that all of us can recognise in ourselves from time to time.
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