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It's just an enthousiastic person at the side of the road with the Tour de France, but without that information the picture suddenly could mean anything.. A revolution, a wor protest, a celebration..Anything.
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Kritikker (2)
thomas m.

Nice, nice! Good comment you've given it, makes you think in the right direction..:-) You could also have called it French Revolution or something in that thought..;-p
good work again!
mvh, T M
Shirly R.

Hee Thomas,

Thank you for being such a loyal commenter (if that even is a real word). You know what I mean. It would be nice if some new pictures apeared on your site, it would be even better if they would be taken with that new briliant camera you dream of, and if all this can not happen a little e-mail in my mailbox would do to :-)
I realy like to know how that buisness of you is working, I might be able to give you some handy tips. I now officialy have a subject called 'financial management', best thing that ever happened to me: I have no trubble sleeping at all anymore!

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