Fra en båthavn i Horten hvor vinteren har kommet
  • Nikon CoolPix 8800
  • -
  • Brennvidde9mm
  • Blenderf/7.1
  • Lukker1/15s
  • Nei
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  • KategoriNatur
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger112
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Kritikker (2)
Georg K.
hmm - in general very positive response towards this image - the special impression from this cold and windy day is conserved in the image, and the choice of elements in order to show them is working in an elegant - or here - natural way.
Low, and fast flying clouds, the sea with small, more hectic waves, the winterly dead bush in the middle of the image - with some unsharp areas because of the movements caused by the wind - all this makes a very good impression - calm, effective without a ''loud'' performance.
The S/H presentation makes a lot of sense here - the degree of contrast's and grey tones is fine - and actually underlines in my mind the images original intention.
The one part I have a bit of a trouble with is related to the main focus - and/or sharpness in general.
Not over rating sharpness - but when looking closer it is kind of irritating not to find one real sharp area - you might have some thoughts for this choice I don't grasp ?
Anyway - a rather rare Landscape interpretation - and one I like - as a starting point, result and presentation.
Kjetil M.
Hello Georg,

and thank you very much for elegant and extremely observant criticism. You feedback is greatly appriciated and you quite right, as to pointing out the lack of any areas in the picture with absolute sharpness. The explemantion is as simple as your comments are to the point - it was very windy that day and I didn't bring my tripod :)

Thanks again

Best regards
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